KinCode properties

Because of the inherent binary structure of bisexual reproduction, many properties may be derived directly from the Knot Systems KinCode elements. Among these:

Main group: The form of the element immediately reveals to which of the three main groups of a Kin, the related individual belongs, regarding this element:

  1. 1.b  (descendants)
  2. a  (ancestors)
  3. a.b  (descendants of the ancestors, collateral relatives)
Additive relationship: The "distance" in number of generations from the proband may be calculated directly from the elements two ascent lists, and used for calculation of the additive relationship for that basic relation.

Generation: The related individual's generation relative to the probands, can be calculated directly from the two ascent lists.

Sequence: If sorted on the primary KinCode, the sequence of individuals corresponds to the sequence specified by "historic" laws of inheritance of properties and Titles.

Gender: The gender of the Knot individual is given by the part of the element that is not equal to 1, even is male, odd is female.

Odd/even: The integer part and the fraction part of the element must both be either even or odd, except if one part is equal to 1.

Ascent type: Agnatic (pure male) ascent from the proband exists for KinCode elements, where the integer part is a "power of 2" (2, 4, 8, . .). Pure female ascent exists for KinCode elements where the integer part is a "power of 2 minus 1" (3, 7, 15, . . ).

Descent type:
Agnatic (pure male) descent from the Knot individual to the relative exists for KinCode elements, where the fraction part is a "power of 2" (2, 4, 8, . .). Pure female descent exists for KinCode elements where the fraction part is a "power of 2 minus 1" (3, 7, 15, . . ).

Relationship type: Agnatic (pure male) relationship exists for KinCode elements, where both the integer and the fraction part is a "power of 2" (2, 4, 8, . .). Pure female relationship exists for KinCode elements where both the integer and the fraction part is a "power of 2 minus 1" (3, 7, 15, . . ).

Cover page
Knot System defined
--> Sequential System
--> KinCode properties
Knot System applied

Due to its numeric nature, the Knot System is language independent.

It offers a common relationship terminology and notation that works for animals, fish, humans, insects, plants, and other organisms that procreate bisexually.